Perfect voice-overs are quite simple: All you need are the best voice actors with the greatest voices in all languages and the right producers. And that’s who we are: Markus Löhr and Trevor Hurst. We find the best of the best and give our best for our customers. Since 10 years in more than 65 languages and over 1,500 projects.

Markus Löhr

Trevor Hurst

Hendrik Radermacher

Xenia Nitschke
Wir lieben die Musik und das Machen, die Sprache und die Sprachen, das Sprechen und die Stimmen, das Erschaffen eines Werks aus Worten und Tönen.
Markus Löhr ist Musiker und Musikproduzent, Trevor Hurst ist Musikproduzent und Komponist.

The goal is the goal: the perfect voice-over. This is our approach:
Bespoke & precise
It all starts with listening: to understand your goal, your requirements and wishes.
We then develop a detailed production road map and get the project off the ground.
Speedy & safe
We work with more than 500 speakers worldwide in all languages. We deliver perfect voice recordings produced perfectly within the shortest possible time - in any desired language or in 65 languages all at once.
Sustainable & forward thinking
Our guides for voiceover scripts and briefings save time and money. We archive the voice recordings - instead of searching for them for a long time, we can find them again immediately when needed. Even many years later.